OK... How much truth can you take?
If you want the really ugly truth about our planet, it's resources, our use and abuse of it and, our seemingly inevitable annihilation Read this Book;
A blue print for survival. Penguin books. Published in 1972. Only 144 pages get it, read it.
It really tells you how it is (without the up beat playschool approach that Annie for some reason, seems to think appropriate)
An extract from it is below: REMEBER this was written in 1972!!!!
This document has been drawn up by a small team of people, all of whom, in different capacities, are professionally involved in the study of global environmental problems.

Four considerations have prompted us to do this:
1. An examination of the relevant information available has impressed upon us the extreme gravity of the global situation today. For, if current trends are allowed to persist, the breakdown of society and the irreversible disruption of the life-support systems on this planet, possibly by the end of the century, certainly within the lifetimes of our children, are inevitable.
2. Governments, and ours is no exception, are either refusing to face the relevant facts, or are briefing their scientists in such a way that their seriousness is played down. Whatever the reasons, no corrective measures of any consequence are being undertaken.
3. This situation has already prompted the formation of the Club of Rome, a group of scientists and industrialists from many countries, which is currently trying to persuade governments, industrial leaders and trade unions throughout the world to face these facts and to take appropriate action while there is yet time. It must now give rise to a national movement to act at a national level, and if need be to assume political status and contest the next general election. It is hoped that such an example will be emulated in other countries, thereby giving rise to an international movement, complementing the invaluable work being done by the Club of Rome.
4. Such a movement cannot hope to succeed unless it has previously formulated a new philosophy of life, whose goals can be achieved without destroying the environment, and a precise and comprehensive programme for bringing about the sort of society in which it can be implemented.
This we have tried to do, and our Blueprint for Survival heralds the formation of the Movement for Survival and, it is hoped, the dawn of a new age in which Man will learn to live with the rest of Nature rather than against it.
The Ecologist
Edward Goldsmith, Robert Allen, Michael Allaby, John Davoll, Sam Lawrence.
If you want to know how governments and big business work the system to their benefit read this book (or any book) by Vance Packard
The Waste Makers. Published in 1960 ...and guess what he said way back then "advertising is turning North Americans into emotional infants who expect instant gratification of all their desires" Annie is confirming this sentiment 50 years later. The media is controlling/driving our expectations and desires.
SO what to do about it? Well, make it personal. Take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. ie don't buy from the $2 dollar stores. You know that when you purchase an item for $2 someone somewhere is paying the real price... slave labour, indentured labour, sweats shops, a child some where in the world is going blind making tiny, pretty, delicate thing for you to buy cheaply when actually, you can easily afford the real price. Maybe always ask this question before you buy "WHAT IS THE COST AND WHO PAYS THE PRICE?" No more maybe, to misquote Nike who, by the way, are guilty of worker exploitation in their third world factories. "just
don't do it" It's a start.